We're slowly eating our way through all the veggies we've gotten in our CSA. So many greens! Tonight was all about the greens, and then I roasted all the beets we've gotten to use in salads and stuff over the weekend. May have been a mistake, since they would have kept for a while uncooked, but I love them so much I could eat them all in a couple of sittings.
I'm being consumed by my two current projects. More knitting, less blogging, as I'm sure you all know. Work has been busy too, so there's little time during the day for goofing off.
What am I working on, you might ask?
The first is the Mystery Stole Knit Along. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the first clue, the second clue goes up tomorrow. Soon as I'm finished this, I'm off to keep on knitting away at the darn thing. I have visions of being able to wear this as a wrap for my friend S's wedding on September 1st, since New Hampshire's weather can be... unpredictable, and my MoH dress is sleeveless. If I can keep to the knitalong schedule, I should be able to do it, since the last clue is due on August 17th.
Here's my progress so far:
The second is the last baby gift - I'm knitting a Pinwheel Baby Blanket for my friend E's baby. Baby's coming in August, but we just got a shower invite for next weekend - I doubt I'll have it done by then, but I've got the whole weekend to myself, so I keep telling myself that it might happen. Ever the knitting optimist, I am!
It's about 12 inches across right now, but the rows only get longer from here!
The stole looks lovely in white! Good luck with getting it and the baby blanket done.
Thanks Jeanette!
Your stole is looking great too!
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