Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You know you're a knitter

when figuring out what *project(s)* to pack for a long weekend trip consumes more brain time than what clothes to pack.

Going away tomorrow for a long weekend to Newport with my dear friend S. Shoes will be bought, fancy houses will be toured, good food will be eaten and a lot of wine will be drunk.

This is going to be GREAT!


Jscothammerquist said...

There is nothing better than having knitting time when going away for the weekend. That's why I love road trips, except when I went to MASW and The woman who volunteered to drive gasped when I took out my knitting ! ( I guess it wouldn't have been fair for her to do all the driving and to have to watch me knit)

Martha Marin said...

now that sounds like a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said...

That happens to me every single trip. Have a blast on your road trip.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time. You certainly have the ingredients to make it so! -Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip! It is also when you pack an extra bag *if* you happen to find a yarn shop, and *if* they have something you *have* to take home!