I knit a blanket, hat and bootie set for the newest of the new arrivals - my friend Carrie's new little girl Katherine. Katherine arrived last Saturday afternoon, and she is as beautiful and entirely enchanting as I expected her to be. Carrie and her husband William had decided to leave the baby's sex a surprise for the birth, and so we were aiming for genger neutral colors. I've held off posting pictures up here, but I'm hoping to deliver the gifts this afternoon, and I doubt Carrie's doing much blog reading at the moment.

The blanket is from a pattern in Knit Baby Blankets, which is a great collection of cute patterns. I used Kertzer Butterfly Super 10 mercerized cotton, which is a great baby yarn - soft as anything and entirely machine washable. The pattern used two balls of the yellow and orange, and a smidge more than a ball of the green.

The hat and booties were (obviously) knit from the same yarn. The booties are the Pirate Booties from 50 Baby Booties to Knit, and the hat I just made up by myself. It looks tinny in the picture, but the entire hat is a knit2 purl2 rib, and it stretches to about double the size you see here.
Next up is a project that's going to be an enormous challenge for me.
Anyone want to guess what, from the last two pictures?

Lots of different colors, eh?
Does this help a little bit?

Lastly, two things. First, thank you for the words of condolence - I've passed them on to Wiley and he say thank you as well. Second, I loaded all my pictures from Georges Island up onto Flicker. If you want to see them, they're over here.